PHONE 27 82 800 5862

Resources for you

Use these observations, insights, and ideas to kick-start and enrich your Powerful Strategic Conversation

Blog posts

Strategy reset: why it matters right now

One question I’ve often been asked, by both consulting clients and business school classes, is, “When should you review and possibly change your strategy?” But there's a second question that seldom arises, and even when it does, gets little thought. One that's every...

Get the most from your strategy workshop

Around the world, strategy workshops—also known as retreats or breakaways—are a favourite way to plan and review business strategies. Run them well, and they can play an extremely positive role in your firm's success. Do it badly, and they're a waste of time and...

Strategy disconnects

To emphasize their bold, overarching, and long-term intentions, nations and armies have a long tradition of packaging them as “grand strategy.” This is stirring stuff, so management thinkers were bound to follow suit. In an early definition of corporate strategy,...

Clarify your purpose, or you’ll confuse everyone

Every business, like every human being, needs a reason to exist – a “hill” to aim for. This gives them context, direction, and an overarching goal, to both guide and inspire them. Vision and mission statements are meant to do the job. Some firms have swung to...

Lead the next disruption. Get The Critical Core.

Lead the next disruption. Get The Critical Core. Here's what Chris Gibbons, editor of Acumen, the GIBS journal, says about it. With more than 30 years as one of South Africa’s leading business consultants, Tony Manning knows a thing or two about strategy. Amongst his...


Managing a firm of any size has never been easy. Now, managers have to produce consistent, sustainable results under awful pressure in a world that gets messier by the nanosecond. Their customers are informed, price-conscious, vociferous, and skittish. Their...

Downloadable content

Feel free to use my insights in the content below to kick-start your own Powerful Strategic Conversations. Click on each link to view, print or download the article as a PDF.



The Management Challenge: South Africa in the new World

A selection of articles by Tony Manning (1998)

  • Radical Strategy™: The meta principles
  • SA faces new wave of hostile competition
  • Why SA’s exports don’t take off
  • Beating the business blues
  • Cost-cutting alone is not a winning strategy
  • Growth in tough times
  • Radical Strategy™: The new marketing mantra
  • Crafting the corporate conversation
  • Customer service by design
  • Customer service by dictate
  • Strategic planning makes a comeback
  • Questions of strategy


Thoughts on Strategy

A selection of articles by Tony Manning (2000)

  • Managers need a new approach to strategy
  • New wave of innovations ahead
  • Leaders must lead
  • Fast strategy needed for times of rapid change
  • Technology can’t take the place of the human touch
  • Great brands begin with business basics
  • Questions of strategy
  • Strategic Conversation: No.1 management tool for the new century



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